1993-2004 Frasier

1995 Fight for Justice: The Nancy Conn Story [Príbeh Nancy Connovej]

1996 Outer Limits [Krajné medze]

1996 Secret She Carried [Jej tajomstvo/Dieťa strachu]

2006 For the Love of a Child [Z lásky k dieťaťu]

2007 Crossroads: A Story of Forgiveness [Križovatky: Príbeh o odpustení]

2007 Medium

2009-2011 Make It or Break It

2009 Matthew Modine Saves the Alpacas (Divadlo)

2011 Hot in Cleveland

2012 Grey's Anatomy [Klinika Grace]

►►► Peri Gilpin ►►►
►►► [Filmovízia] __ ►►►
►►► [Galéria] _____ ►►►
►►► [Wallpaper] ___ ►►►
►►► [Press] [Part2] ►►►
►►► [Frasier] _____ ►►►