1993 Stalking Laura [Hon na Lauru]

1993 Tales From the Crypt [Príbehy zo záhrobia]

1994 American Love [Americká láska]

1994 Friends

1994 Seventh Floor [Siedme poscchodie]

1995 Nothing Lasts Forever [Nič netrvá večne]

1996 Freeway

1996 Suddenly Susan [Správna Susan]

1998 Misadventures of Margaret

1999 Bachelor [Ženích na úteku]

1999 Black and White

1999 Weekend

2000 After Sex

2001 What Makes a Family [Kauza - Dieťa]

2002 Widows [Vdovy]

2003 Nip Tuck

2003 Two and a Half Men [Dva a pol chlapa]

2004 Gone But Not Forgotten [Zločiny čiernej ruže]

2004 Our Italian Husband [Náš taliansky manžel]

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